Reproductive Health in the Philippines
Project description:
One in four pregnancies in the Philippines is unwanted. Two out of three Filipinas are not using any form of birth control. To improve the situation, the so called reproductive health law was passed in 2012, which guarantees access to contraceptives for all citizens, mandates reproductive health education in government schools and recognizes women’s rights to post-abortion care. Full implementation of the law hasn’t been achieved yet.
Main project features:
Identification of reasons why reproductive health in the Philippines according to WHO “has been lacking behind in Southeast Asia”. The study aims to identify reasons for this situation and tries to come up with behavior changes with focus on women in the Philippines.
Activities performed:
Conducted literature review on reproductive health in the Philippines, conducted interviews with governmental representatives (DOH, DSWD) on reproductive health and social welfare, conducted interviews with representatives of the non-governmental sector, academia and women in difficult life situations. Worked as a communication expert to create awareness of the reproductive health situation in the Philippines with the help of publications and exhibitions in the Philippines and Germany.